Thermaline stainless steel Shell & Tube heat exchangers are manufactured in accordance with ASME and TEMA standards.

Standard with a mechanical solid seal backed with a self energized O-ring ensuring years of uninterrupted service.
- 304SS, 316SS, Duplex, AL6XN and other materials
- Single or multi pass
- Single and double tube sheet
- Insulation – Stainless Steel/PVC/Blanket
- High purity surface finishes
Standard Shell & Tube designed for utility-type applications where the process water is not in the same circuit as food products. Closed loop and instant hot water applications.
- Inner tubes - 2B finish and laser welded seams
- Tube to tube sheet connection- rolled and expanded into the sealing groove
- Connections and distribution area 32 RA polish
Sanitary Shell & Tube meeting 3-A Sanitary standard 12-07. Can be used to process food products, personal care products, and CIP circuits that come in direct contact with processing circuits.
- Seamless inner tubes with 32 RA ID finish
- Tube to tube sheet connection - rolled and expanded into the sealing groove
- Seal welded tube to tube sheet face
- Connections and distribution area 32 RA polish

Pharmaceutical grade Shell & Tube manufactured in accordance with ASME/BPE for bioprocessing, pharmaceutical, and personal-care products industries, as well as other applications with high levels of sanitary requirements.
- High purity inner tube surface finish
- Tube to tube sheet connection - rolled and expanded (hydro-swaged) into the sealing groove
- Precision machine welded tube-to-tube sheet face
- High purity connections and distribution area